Sunday, May 11, 2008

Welcome To Juneau

We arrived in Juneau last night at around 10:00. Now, 12 hours later, we're rolling out of bed. We just thought we'd share this picture from our window in our hotel room. We don't have an apartment yet, so they're putting us up in a hotel for these first few days. We're going to take in the sights today, and then we'll start work tomorrow.


Shawn said...

jealous much!

Looks like fun. Glad you got there safe.

bart said...

Hey congrats on getting there. Live it up -- you don't get many chances for adventures like that. Your view is awesome!

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Alaska! Can you see me waving from here?

Derek said...

We miss you already!

MOM G. said...

Looks kind of old fashioned and fun. Send more pictures when you get some. I'd love to see more. I hope you have housing or soon will.

Anonymous said...

You guys are so cool and I am so jealous. How can I be like you? Please tell me how. I will pay you $5 for the valuable information. You rock!

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, well I'd pay them $6.37 - I win!! I'll finally be cool!

Bec said...

We miss you but hope you are having an absolute blast! Take lots of pictures (and then post them... yes, I'm that selfish), and keep us updated! Don't worry, we're not having any fun here.

Bec said...

I think of calling you all the time but never remember the time difference quite right. How are you guys holding up??

Shawn said...

Ok, I was way impressed when you managed to post the morning after you arrived. And I understand that you are busy with the new job, and sightseeing, and getting settled and all. And I know you may not have internet access at home. But - go find yourself an internet cafe, or at least a library - and give us an update. Please?

katie said...

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Ashley!! Hope you have a wonderful day! Eat some cake for us!